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Members' Area Password Request

To gain access to the members' area, all members must first regsiter their details.  You must have a valid email address and you must complete all sections which will be cross-referenced with the MBF Membership Database before your request is authorised.  Once you have submitted a password request and your application has been approved, you can simply use the login botton on the Members' Area page each time you wish to access the members' area.  Please remember to make a note of the password you have chosen.

Only complete this step when first registering your details

You must complete all fields below which will be cross-referenced with the MBF Membership Database before your request is authorised.  Please be patient while your request is being processed.  You will only need to complete this step when first applying for access to the members' area.

Do NOT use this form to register for access to the new forum!

You must register for access to the new forum at the forum login page.

Model Bus Federation - The world's leading model bus authority for over 50 years
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